an AI / ML Inference Platform


Employ convenient cloud-based inference services to solve challenging problems.

  • Optical Character Recognition (OCR)

  • Handwritten Text Recognition (HTR)

  • Template Parsing


Glyph is a cloud-native Optical Character Recognition (OCR) and Handwritten Text Recognition (HTR) engine built to aid in digitizing various documents. It supports different combinations of languages and scripts with horizontal reading order and single column formats.

Template Parser

Parses fixed-format images (e.g., documents, forms) and extracts the text from various fields of interest (e.g., names, dates, numeric IDs, etc.) by relying on a known (provided) template and the defined regions of interest to identify positions of relevant information within the targeted document.

    "EMPLOYEE_SSN": "123-45-6789.", 
    "EMPLOYER_IN": "11-2233445", 
    "EMPLOYER_NAME": "The Big Company \
                    183 Main Street \
                    Anywhere, PA 12345", 
    "EMPLOYEE_NAME": "Jane A. DQE \
                    123 Elm Street \
                    Anywhere Else, PA 23456"


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